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April 5, 2011

At last – technology that helps people stay out of the waiting room

by Prue Miller

Is there anything more annoying than having to travel long distances for boring checkups? It’s a pain for the patients and a pain for those who have to drive them to the surgery and sit around reading the New Idea full colour coverage Charles and Di’s wedding.

Look around now for new telehealth monitoring products that can do the work from home! Or at least nearby in a relatively germ free (achooo!) environment. Tunstall has a great one – with the top of the range model being able to take BP, pulse, weight (ugh!),lung monitor, glucometer and even an ECG.

Once its got the readings, it then sends them off to the various doctors or area health nurses or other people involved in the care of the patient – and sends up a red flag or rings bells or something if the numbers don’t add up.

It will be a big help in communal living situations where one machine can service many residents, as I’m sure it isn’t a cheap option. Some community centres also have one.

Any technology that keeps us out of waiting rooms, and god help us, hospitals is worth grabbing with both hands!

Although I don’t know how we’ll keep track of Royal news…..

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